These aren’t your momma’s fans.

Our story

necessity is the mother of invention

Revolutionize Outdoor Living with the MisterOG Cooling System even in Humid Climates

As commercial property developers, operators and managers based in subtropical Central Florida, we specialize in developing properties in popular tourist destinations. For years we’ve understood the need for exterior cooling that actually works. Normal paddle fans applied in residential and commercial applications do almost nothing to cool the air in Florida in 90 degree heat with 100% humidity. Rendering outside living next to impossible in this climate. Which, in a tourist destination, is a catch 22… people come here to experience the beaches and palm trees and outdoor living. They want to eat and hang out… outside all year long. But it is often too hot.

For a few years now we’ve looked into the different options available in the market. Maybe you’ve seen some of them and were hesitant to purchase one due to the cost, as were we. The inexpensive regular misting sprayers (think amusement parks) are not an option because it leaves everything soaking wet. Commercial ‘Exterior Air Conditioning Systems’ have an industrial aesthetic, are extremely loud and require a hefty financial investment and ongoing costs. Frankly, we don't believe they work very well outside. 

There seemed to be nothing on the market that fit what we were looking for that didn’t break the bank. That’s when we started to develop our own outdoor cooling system… after all… necessity is the mother of invention right?

Revolutionizing Outdoor Living

After a year of extensive experimentation, we have developed a solution for exterior cooling that will transform your outdoor living space, even in humid climates. It was important for us to develop an affordable product without compromising performance, quality and aesthetics. Most importantly our system will not get anything wet! 

The MisterOG Cooling System is the affordable choice that will allow outdoor living to continue even when the temperature far exceeds what is comfortable.

The MisterOG Cooling System is available for residential and commercial spaces. We currently offer installation within Brevard County, Florida but the system is very easy to install for DIYer’s around the country. Our kits come with everything you will need for your installation.

We also offer the opportunity to rent our patent pending ‘Cool Off Zone’ mobile tent for your next party or event! Imagine being able to host outdoors with the ability to offer your guests a cool place to relax, enjoy and connect. Check out our rental page!

MisterOG is the ultimate solution for outdoor enthusiasts looking to beat the heat and humidity. With its remarkable capabilities, you can enjoy the outdoors without breaking a sweat or the bank.